Face Your Fear in the New Year!

The office of Beautiful Smiles of Long Island is specially trained to care for patients who are extremely fearful of the dentist. With so many people afraid of going to the dentist it is important [...]

New Year New Trends

With the new year approaching, we decided to analyze some of this past year's trends in dentistry and compare them to our office's practice. With technology expanding rapidly, people have access to loads of information. [...]

How Often To Replace Your Toothbrush

Of course, daily brushing is essential for dental hygiene. But how hygienic is it to brush your teeth with an old toothbrush? The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that you replace your toothbrush approximately every [...]

Dental Sealants

A good oral hygiene routine and a healthy diet are the best way to prevent plaque build-up in the mouth. Brushing and flossing are the best ways to help prevent cavities, but even the most [...]

Holiday Dental Hygiene

With the sweet holiday season upon us, it's important to talk about your dental hygiene routine. With visions of sugar plums dancing in your head, you'll need to be prepared! Here are a few great [...]

Why Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation?

Receding gums is a very common problem, but that doesn't mean it's normal. Many factors contribute to the gums receding. Gum diseases like gingivitis, periodontitis or advanced periodontitis can be a factor. Gums can also recede because of [...]

How To Have a Sweet, Sugar-free Holiday

It’s always a challenge not to be naughty around the holidays. Especially with all the good food and treats circulating. During the 8 nights of Hanukkah, children and adults alike enjoy chocolate coins. Some people use [...]

Oral Cancer Screening

During a regular, 6-month dental exam, an oral cancer screening is performed. The goal of an oral cancer screening is to identify mouth cancer early when there is a greater chance for a cure. The [...]

Teeth Timeline

Babies begin growing teeth between 4 and 7 months. Typically, the two front teeth on the bottom row are the first to arrive and usually together. The root forces the new teeth up to the [...]

National Flossing Day

Today is National Flossing Day! It’s time to get out your floss and celebrate! This day was most definitely deemed as such due to following Thanksgiving. After devouring a big hearty meal accompanied by sweet [...]

Tips For Sips Thanksgiving Eve

Thanksgiving Eve is a notorious party night. The idea is that you go out drinking and the next day you wake up, watch football and eat a cornucopia of comfort foods, making the holiday the [...]

When To get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

We’ve all seen those funny videos of patients coming out of their anesthesia after getting their wisdom teeth removed. But why did they have to get them removed? More importantly, how do you know if [...]